The List of Users contains all of the data available to you, relating to the other users of the platform. Depending on your permissions, you may have ability to see all other users, or only some (for example, your team members at your location). You access the List of Users from the side menu, by clicking Admin > User Management (or just "Users").

From this page, you can carry out a variety of different actions, such as creating or archiving a user, viewing a user profile, or creating an ad-hoc report about specific user information (for example, which users have an expired license or certificate). The actions you can do are determined by your platform set up (e.g which suites or modules you have), and also by your user role (e.g Admins usually have higher access than Managers). 

The explanation below lists ALL available features and functions, but please note that you may not have access to some of these depending on your platform or role set up. 

  1. Tick Boxes: Use these to select specific users, and then apply actions or bulk actions (2)

  2. Actions / Bulk Actions: This button will only appear after one or more tick boxes have been ticked. Not every action can be applied in bulk (e.g changing passwords), but most can (e.g archiving or sending surveys). 
    • Archive User: Clicking this will archive the selected user(s). For more info, view the Edit User tutorial.
    • Change Password: This allows you to manually create a new password for the selected user. It will not notify the user that there has been a change. Users can always change their own passwords by using the Reset Password function. For more info, view the Reset Password tutorial.
    • Save as User Group: This creates a new basic user group containing the user(s) selected. For more info, view the User Groups tutorial. 
    • Delete: This will delete the selected user(s).
      Important note: Deleting is permanent and cannot be reversed. It will remove all user records from the platform. Archiving is strongly recommended over deleting. 
    • Allow User to Access API Documentation: This will provide access to the available API documentation for the selected user. It cannot be actioned in bulk. For more info, view the API article. 
    • Assign Onboarding Program: This will assign an onboarding program to the selected user(s). For more info, view the Onboarding tutorial. 
      Note: Onboarding is part of the People Central suite.
    • Assign Regions: This will allow you to assign a region to the selected user. It cannot be actioned in bulk. For more info, view the Regions tutorial.
    • Send Staff Surveys Invitations: This allows you to send survey invitations to the selected user(s). Surveys must be created and published first.
      Note: Surveys are part of the People Central suite.
    • Re-enrol in Training Program: This allows you to re-enrol the selected user(s) into a training program. Their previous completion record(s) will be retained, but they will be required to complete the program from start to finish again. 
      Note: Training is part of the Learn Central suite. Users will only be re-enrolled when the program has been completed by the user. If the program status is "Not Started" or "In Progress", the user will not be re-enrolled.

  3. Create New User: Click this to add a new user onto the platform. For more info, view the New User tutorial.

  4. Active / Archived: These tabs relate to different lists of users, specifically those that are active, which means they could log in to the platform; and archived, which means they cannot log in.
    Note: A user must activate their account, and this has a different status (Not Activated / Activated) unrelated to whether it is an Active or Archived account. View the Activate Account tutorial for info.

  5. White three dot menu (ellipses): This menu provides additional functions and links to other admin pages.
    • Manage Roles: This takes you to the Role management page within the System Settings. For more info, view the Roles tutorial.
    • Manage User Groups: This takes you to the User Group management page. For more info, view the User Groups tutorial. 
    • Manage User System Fields: This takes you to the System Fields management page. For more info, view the System Fields tutorial.
    • Manage User Custom Fields: This takes you to the Custom Fields management page. For more info, view the Custom Fields tutorial. 
    • Export Users: This allows you to export all user profile data for the users you have permission to view. It will be downloaded in CSV format. Note: this does not include reporting data, such as policy sign offs or training completions; it is for profile information only.
    • Import Users: This allows you to import or update user profile information in bulk. Follow the import wizard steps as needed. For more info, view the Import User tutorial. 

  6. View User: Click this button to view the users profile. This contains all profile data on that user, as well as most reporting. For more info, view the User Profile article.

  7. Filter and Columns: Use these functions to edit your view of the user list. You can add, remove or change the order of columns, and filter your list to show or hide certain criteria. This feature can be used to generate real time, ad hoc reports about user profile information. For more info, view the Custom Table tutorial (coming soon).