The policy (Work Central) reporting page will display the compliance records for policies that have been marked as Required Reading for any Roles, User Groups or Users. Required Reading is assigned via the policy permissions (click here for a tutorial on setting policy permissions). Only policies that have been marked as Required Reading will appear in the Reporting.
Work Central (policy/manual) Reporting permissions are set within the Role settings. This determines who can view the reporting and for which locations. A Role may be given access to see sign-off reporting either:
- Across All Locations - (they can see ALL reporting across ALL locations in the system)
- Users Location(s) only - (they can see reporting only for the locations they are assigned to in their profile)
- Users Managed Region(s) - (they can see reporting only for the locations in the region(s) they are assigned to in their profile)
Click the following links for more info on editing policy permissions, managing a Role, editing a User profile, or managing Regions.
To view the Work Central (policies/manuals) reporting:
- Click the Reporting tab in your side menu
- Click the Work Central tab, which is the first in the list
(note: this tab may be called something else depending on your module naming and package, it may be called Operations Manuals, Manuals, or something else entirely)
Tip: You can expand the reporting view by clicking the <-> button on the top right. - You will see 4 separate widgets on this page. These are described below.
- Overall Policy Compliance: This circular graph displays the overall sign-off completion percentage for all locations. This is calculated by dividing the total number of required sign-offs, by the amount that have been signed-off.
Policy Compliance (by Location): This bar graph displays the sign-off completion percentage for the locations listed. If you are an Admin, you will see all locations here. - Policy Compliance (By Staff): This graph can be either a scatter graph (as shown below) or a bar graph. Contact the Support Team if you would like this changed.
This graph displays the sign-off completion percentage for the users listed. If you are an Admin, you will see all users here. If you are another role, such as Franchisee or Area Manager, you will only see the relevant reporting info for your teams. - Policy Compliance Reporting: This table/list will display reporting for individual policies, as well as individual staff/users.
1. The default is Policies; click on the "Staff" tab if you would like to view the individual staff/users.
2. Click the view button to view the sign-off details on that policy or user, including who has read and when, who hasn't read.
Note: "Read" means the user has clicked the "I confirm I have read this policy" button which appears when the policy is marked as Required Reading.
3. You can export that list, or the read/unread list, by clicking the Download button next to the search bar.
If there was a quiz on the policy, you are also able to see the number of attempts the user had before the sign off was complete. 0 means they got it correct on the first attempt. You are able to see the number of attempts but not answers to individual questions, however if you are looking for more comprehensive assessment options including seeing individual answer attempts, that is part of the Learn Central module.
Note: quizzes are additional verifications that are optional to set for required reading, for more information on policy verifications, click here.