If you prefer to watch a video, scroll to the bottom of this page! 

The content of your manual consists of two parts: the sections and the policies. Sections are the groupings of policies within the manual.

In Op Central, "Policy" is a general term that covers all the pages within your manual. Your content may be policies, SOPs, best practices, brand guidelines, instructional videos, how-to guides, product or service information, etc. Each "policy" displays on it's own page and has it's own individual permission settings. 

For steps on how to update an existing policy, click here.
Click here for a tutorial on creating a new manual.

  1. Click the Edit button (not View) on the Manual you want to add the policy to. 

  2. Create a section to add a policy under, by clicking the "Create" drop down menu and select SectionSections are optional but highly recommended to make it easier for the end-user when looking for content.
  3. Add the section title and a description (optional). Examples of sections: Customer Service, Marketing, Financial/Accounting, Recruiting, etc
  4. Click Save and the new Section will display.
  5. To add a policy under a section, click the "Plus" icon button; or click the Create button if you do not have any sections yet.
  6. This will take you to a new blank policy page. This editor is where you will add your policy content. 
  7. Fill in the title and add the content for your policy. Add any content you like, such as pictures, videos, lists/tables, attachments, etc. If you would like to use the AI Writer to generate AI powered content, click here for the tutorial. 
  8. To add images, tables or hyperlinks, use the buttons on the editor toolbar.
    Note: images must be upload into the File Manager to be embed in a policy. 
  9. To add a video, switch the Video toggle to "On" and click Add Video. Add your video via the preferred method, and click submit (For further details on using videos, click here)
  10. To add a file attachment such as a PDF or excel document, click the Links button and select File. This will open up the File Manager where you select which file you want to attach. Click Finish when done, or Add File to add another one. Note: Attachments display as a number counter on the policy to indicate the attachments, similar to an email attachment.

    Optional: You can also use a hyperlink in the content to provide users a link to download the file within the file manager. To get the link for the file, open your file manager in a separate window, right click on the file, then click Share. Click on the "Get Link" button to generate the direct URL to the file. You can then use that to hyperlink in your policy content.

  11. If you want the policy displayed in other sections or a different manual, use the Mappings selector. Click the "+" button on which section you want the policy to display in.
    Users will be able to see all the manuals that the policy displays in if they have permission to see the policy. If you would like to hide the manual, you can set that separately.

  12. Now set your policy Permissions via the Permissions tab. See the Content Permissions article for more details if you need it.

  13. If "Required Reading" is selected for any roles/users, you can choose your preferred verification method via the Verification tab.

  14. To be reminded to review this policy at a specific frequency, set the "Schedule Review" toggle to On. For more information on policy reviews, click here

  15. Click Preview once you have finished with the policy. Note: Previews will open in a new tab. You will not see the Quiz or Sign off confirmation in a preview.
  16. Click Publish if you are happy with the preview and no amendments are needed.
  17. Clicking Publish will immediately and automatically send notifications to anyone marked as Required Reading or Notify Users.


Note: the video below is a basic follow-along only and does not have audio. It does not cover off every individual setting or feature; it does cover:

  • Creating a new policy using the Create button
  • Adding a title, and content. The content was pasted from an external source (website) and needed some manual editing to remove unneeded formatting.
  • Adding an embedded YouTube video
  • Adding an embedded image via the File Manager
  • Changing the Permissions between restrict access and Required Reading
  • Adding a quiz
  • Previewing the Policy
  • Publishing then viewing the policy