Using Op Central's "SPOT" or Single Point of Truth features, you can move policies around in manuals very easily or map them into multiple manuals at the same time. 

Mapping a policy into multiple manuals or sections does not create a clone or a duplicate of the policy, it simply means that the same policy will display in multiple places at once. This is useful when you have policies that are shared across multiple manuals, so that when you update the policy in one place, it automatically updates it everywhere! 

There are 2 methods of moving (mapping) policies. Both require your user account to have the "Manage" permissions for manuals.

Method 1:
Via Editing a Policy (for moving/mapping a policy when you may need to remove it from it's current location or make other edits at the same time)

  1. Click Edit on the Policy you want to move/map. There are a variety of ways to get to the Edit button:
    • Click View on the Manual, the ellipses on the Policy, then Edit
    • Click Edit on the Manual, then Edit on the Policy
    • Click the ellipses on the Manuals page and select "All Policies", then click the ellipses on the policy and click Edit.
  2. At the bottom of the Details tab, look for the "Mappings" section.
    Use the drop down menu under "Add to Manual/Section" to select a manual and section.
    The "Mapped Manual/Sections" will display all the Manuals where this policy currently resides. Use the "x" button next to each to remove it from that Manual/section. 
    Note: You can only map a policy into a manual with sections. If your manual does not have a section yet, you must add that first before you can map the policy this way. 
  3. Once you have finished mapping, and have confirmed the permissions and verifications (if any) are set, then click the "Update" button. 

    Unless you have made changes to the content of the policy, you won't need to update it to a new version, so leave that box unticked. If you did also update the content of the policy, then you may want to update the version too.


Q: Nothing appears when I select a manual from the drop down menu, why? 
A: There is no section added to the manual. Using this method, a policy can only be mapped into a manual with at least 1 section. Click here for steps on adding a section.

Q: Clicking on the section I want to add it to does nothing, why?
A: The section may already be added into the mapped sections. You cannot add a policy to the same section twice.


Method 2: 
Via the Document Library (for moving/mapping a policy when you don't need to remove it from it's current location, and no other edits are needed)

  1. Click Edit on the Manual that the policy resides in
  2. Using the Document Library on the right side, search for the policy title (click the magnifying glass button)
  3. Hover your cursor anywhere on the policy (you will see the pointer change to arrows), click and hold, then drag the policy from the document library into the section you want it in. 

    "Cutout" marks will appear where the policy will be dropped into. Take note of the placement of those cutout marks, as they will show you whether the policy will be dropped into a section, or outside of a section. See below examples:

    In a Section: the cutout mark is flush with the policy above, and sits indented underneath the section title.

    Not in a Section: the cutout mark is flush with the section title, not with the policy above and not indented.
  4. If you accidentally drop it into the wrong place, don't stress! You can simply repeat step 3 and drag and drop it into the correct place. The Table of Contents will automatically renumber itself accordingly. 

  5. These changes will save immediately, and there's no need to click the Update button. 

    If you need to check which other sections and manuals the policy resides, simply click the Edit button on the policy, and check the Mappings section (see step 2 in method 1 above).


Q: The policy won't indent/nest under a section, why?
A: Sometimes this can be tricky to line up, depending on your browser and screen size! Try moving the policy to the left and right until you see the cutout marks shift over to the right.

Q: The policy won't stay in the section and I see a red error message, why?
A: The same policy is underneath that section already, and you can't have the same policy in a section twice.

Q: I'm searching for the policy in the Document Library, but it doesn't appear. Why?
A: Check for spelling mistakes; and if there are many policies you may need to use the arrow buttons at the bottom to move between the pages to find the policy you need.