You can create forms for logging data and record keeping with the Forms module. Some examples of these are: Vehicle Damage reports, Leave requests, Customer Feedback, Incidents or injuries, Store information changes, onboarding forms, etc

  1. In the side menu, click Forms, Audit Central or People Central.
    Depending on your package configuration, this may have it's own side menu button, or it will be under Audit Central or People Central. 

  2. Click the ellipses (three dot menu),  and then Manage Forms
  3. To create a new form:
    Click the Create Form button

  4. To edit an existing form:
    Click the ellipses (three dot menu) under Actions on the form you want to edit. Then click Edit.

  5. On the Details tab:
    - Title. This is the title of the Form that users will see in the Forms list.
    - Instructions. Optional, this text will display at the start (if grouped fields is enabled) or the top (if grouped fields are not enabled) of the form.
    - Form Category(s). Optional but recommended, this will add the form to a category for easy sorting and viewing.
    - Public URL. Enabling this means the form is publicly accessible via an anonymous external URL.
    A public URL may be used in situations like a customer feedback or complaint form, where the person filling it out does not have a login to Op Central. If this will not be filled out by external people, then do not toggle this on.
    - Grouped Fields. Enabling this will "group" the fields together in separate sections. The different field groups will display on separate pages to the person filling it out, and they will click "Next" between the group pages.
    - Private URL is simply the direct internal link to fill out the form. It cannot be accessed without a login.
    - Thank You Message: This message will display to users once they have completed a form submission.
  6. On the Form Fields tab, this is where you add / edit the form fields the user will be filling out.

    6.a - To add a new field when field groups are disabled, click the Add Field button at the top.

    Important tip about editing existing forms & fields: any changes made to the fields and any relevant options will apply to existing submissions. If you do not wish to updated existing submissions on that field, simply clone the field you want to edit, then deactivate the old one. This retains the existing data and it can be viewed then by either exporting the form submissions or activating the field again. Alternatively, if there are many changes to be made, clone the entire Form and then deactivate the old one.
    Edit an existing field using the edit button on the field.

    6.b - To add a new field when field groups are enabled, click the "+" plus button on the field group title. You cannot add a field without a field group, when groups are enabled. To add a field group, click the Add New Field Group button. 
    Edit an existing field using the edit button on the field. 
    The different field types are:
    - Text (Single Line): Used for a normal plain (unformatted) text response.
    - Text (Multi Line): Gives the option for multiple unformatted lines of text rather than a singular line. 
    - Number:  When the response needs to be numerical (cannot do decimal points, use text field for this).
    - Radio Button: A single choice tick box.
    - Date Selector (with or without time): A calendar that can also include a specific time of day.
    - File Upload: Provides an Upload File button where any file type can be attached to the submission.
    - Checkboxes: Tick boxes with ability to select more than one.
    - Dropdown (with or without multi-select): A dropdown menu of possible responses.
    - Linked System Fields (tutorial here): When filled out, this automatically updates the linked user or location data.

    Data Source: Custom vs System definition
    When selecting a radio button, checkboxes, or dropdown field type, you will see an option to choose the "Data Source". The default is Custom, which allows you to manually enter whatever response options that you want to give the user. 
    The System data source will pull information existing in the system, which can be either Users, Locations or Brands. 
    Selecting the Data Source of System and then choosing Locations does not set permissions on the form submissions, it simply displays a list of locations relevant to the user. It is not tied to permission settings in any way. Permissions are set via the Permissions tab (step 8).

  7. The Submissions Table tab allows you to select which of the fields you want to display in on the list of submissions. You can preview what that looks like by clicking the ellipses (three dot menu) and then Preview Submissions Table. You can show/hide the columns by switching the corresponding toggles. You can also drag and drop the fields to display them in a different order.
    Tip: This view will apply for any/all users looking at the submissions table, and also applies to the submission preview inside the mobile app. 

  8. The Permissions tab is where you set the permissions for this form.
    - Can Submit: The Role/User can make submissions on this form.
    - View Submissions:
       - No: This means the Role/User can only view their own submissions, no one else's.
       - Across All Locations: The Role/User can view ALL submissions from every user across every location.
       - Users Location(s): The Role/User can view all submissions from other users at the same location(s) as them. 
       - Users Managed Region(s) - The Role/User can view all submissions from other users at the locations within in the region(s) they manage. 
    - Required Task: This means the selected users in the role or user group will be required to complete 1 submission on this form. They can fill it out as may times as needed, but a minimum of one time is mandatory. They will receive an email notification when the form is published, and also an in-platform task.
    - Edit Submissions: This allows the Role/User to edit the submissions after they have been completed/submitted.
    - Notifications: This will send an email notification of the completed submission to the Role/User that is ticked.

    To add a new Role/User/User Group to the permissions, click the Add New button. To delete, click the bin icon under Actions.

  9. The Emails tab is where you can edit the automated email templates for this form. These will default to the templates within the System Settings, and are optional to edit on a form by form basis.

  10. Preview the form before publishing to ensure it's correct, then click Publish to make it available for submissions. 

Tip: After there have been submissions made against a form, you are able to add additional fields, but not delete any. However, you can "deactivate" the fields so they do not show up for any new submissions.