For the tutorial on how to create a region, click here.

In the majority of permissions settings across the platform, there are normally four options: No, Across All Workplaces, Users Workplace(s) only, or Users Managed Region(s). If the Managed Region(s) option is selected, the user will be able to do/see whatever is associated with that permission setting, for all the locations included in the region assigned to them.


  1. To assign regions to a user, the user's role must have the "Regional Manager" permission enabled.
  2. To enable this, click on System Settings (under profile icon/avatar), then Roles.
  3. Edit which role you would like to enable this feature for, and check the box next to "Regional Manager".
  4. Save the Role.


  1. Once the "Regional Manager" box is ticket for their role, click Admin > Users
  2. Click edit on the user you want to add a region to, or create new if it's a brand new user.
  3. The user's profile will have a new field labeled "Regions". By default, they are assigned no regions.
  4. To change this, edit the profile details, and change the region selection from "All" to "Custom"
  5. A new drop down menu will appear on the right side, where you can select the region
  6. Click submit to save the changes to the user. 

That user can now see relevant details for the included regions, where the "User's Managed Region(s)" selection has been made (eg. for reporting, audit submissions, etc).