Observations are used when a manager, supervisor, trainer, etc needs to answer questions about a learner. These are sometimes called competency checks or skills observations.
Examples of observations are: properly greeting a customer or answering a phone, making a new item on the menu, processing or handling a complaint, proper lifting technique for heavy items, etc. They could include marking a learner as having satisfactory knowledge or skills (or not) to proceed to the next topic or module.
To create a new observation assessment:
(To edit a currently existing observation, click here)
- Under the module you would like to add the observation to, click the plus + button
- Click Assessment
- Enter the title of your observation
- Add any instructions for the learner (eg assessment criteria or expectations)
- Change the "Type" drop-down from Quiz to Observation
- Add any instructions for the Observer (the person who will be conducting the observation)
- Add additional resources if desired (eg videos or documents)
- Click Questionnaire on the left side tab navigation
- Add all the questions for the observer to answer using the Create Question button
Important: Ensure you have added all questions, since adding or removing questions later from this observation will clear out any in progress or outstanding submissions. - Once complete, click the Observer tab
- Click Add New and specify who can do the observations, and whether they can do them for everyone or only for certain locations.
- Check the Required Task box if that person/role is required to do the observation. This will send them an email and in-platform notification task to complete the observation. If the box is un-ticked, they will not get notified of learners requesting observations.
- Click Preview and ensure it looks the way you'd like. Make any amendments if required
- Click Publish when complete