At any time, you have ability to view any documentation within the manuals that you have been given access to even if you  previously signed-off on it before. 

While viewing a manual, here are the different buttons and functions you will see on your screen (desktop/laptop):


  1. The policy you are currently viewing will be shaded/highlighted
    You may also have a "!" button before #2 , which toggles only unread policies to display
  2. Collapse or expand the table of contents
  3. Export the entire manual in a PDF (note: the larger the manual or if very image based, the longer it will take to download)
  4. Search the contents of the current manual
  5. Expand this to see which section you are currently in
  6. View version history
  7. Export the individual policy/document in PDF
  8. Reads the text out to you
  9. Expands the policy/document viewing size
  10. Edit (note this is only visible if you have permission to manage content)
  11. Goes to the next policy in the table of contents