Templated Action Items come in handy when there is a specific action every user must complete when answering a question in a certain way. There are different editing options and configurations to accommodate for different situations, and templated action items can be added and removed from audits at any time.

1. In the Audit questionnaire you want to add the action item to, add the question. You can also add this to existing questions. Click the "Template Action Item" button.

Note: Templated Action Items can be added to Multiple-Choice (single or multi-select), Yes/No, and True/False question types. If you don't see the "Template Action Item" button, it means you cannot add a templated action item to that question type.


2. Click "Add Action Item", then add the details of the action required. This could be general guidance, or exactly what is required as the action or follow up. Below this screenshot explains what each of the action item fields and settings are. 

1. Title: this should be a quick one-line summary of the item
2. Description: this explains exactly what the item is and what needs to be done. You can add formatting like bullet points or font colours, hyperlinks, etc.
3. Due Date: Enable this to set a due date for the item. For example, if you expect it to be completed within a week of it being assigned, set the due date to 7 days. 
4. Assign to User(s): If a specific person needs to be assigned this action item, no matter who is submitting the audit, then add the person here. Otherwise, the auditor (person submitting the audit) can select their preferred person to assign the action item to. Auditors are always able to change the Assign to User(s) field.
5. Reminder Emails: Enable this to select a frequency of how often the assignee should get reminded to complete the action item (when it is not yet complete). 
6. Permission: Choose whether the auditor (person submitting the audit) is able to edit and change the details of this templated action item. If the toggle is set to "Editing is Enabled", this means the auditor can change any details in this templated action item. If the toggle is set to "Editing is Locked", it means the auditor cannot change any details of the action item, except the assignee. 
7. Auto-Open: Enabling this will automatically pop open the templated action item, as soon as the auditor clicks on the associated answer. If this is disabled, the action item will still be created and populated with the details, but it will not automatically open for the auditor to see and they must click the Edit action item button (next to the "Item added to action plan" message) to view it. 

Once your Action Item template is done, click the Submit button to save it. 

3. To assign the Action Item to an answer, click on the "Select Answers" box under Response. A drop-down list of the question's answers will appear to select. This is a multi-select box so you can select multiple answers if needed. 

You can create more action items if needed, for different answers. Click Submit when you have finished creating Action Items for this question. 


As an Auditor (person submitting the audit), when a question/answer has a templated action item and Editing is Locked, this is what will show on the action item pop-up. The green ticks will be editable, but the others will not. The Due Date will automatically calculate based on the date of audit submission and what's in the template (e.g if the template due date is 2 days, and today is 2nd January, the action item will be due on 4th January).

If (in the template settings) the Auto-Open is set to "On", this pop-up will automatically appear as soon as the Auditor selects the relevant answer.