Access the Onboarding module general settings and permissions via the System Settings:

  1. Click your profile icon/avatar in the top right corner
  2. Click System Settings
  3. Scroll down to Onboarding under Module Settings


You can re-name the Onboarding module:

  1. Click your profile icon, then System Settings.
  2. Scroll down to Onboarding under Module Settings.
  3. Re-name as desired, then click Save. 


You can change the associated auto-generated email templates.

  1. From the module settings, click the Email Templates drop down.
  2. Click the Edit button under Actions on the template you wish to change.
  3. Edit, then click Save when you are done.

Select who can Manage Onboarding programs by:

  1. From the module settings, click the Permissions tab.
  2. Click Allow Access.
  3. Select the Role you want to give access to.
  4. Once added, tick the "Manage Onboarding Programs" box.
  5. This allows them to edit, delete, and add ALL onboarding programs