You can set an entire folder or individual file to be hidden or visible for certain roles.

To set a folder: 

  1. Right click on the folder 
  2. Select Folder Permissions
  3. For each role, select the permission.
    Hidden: No one with that role can see anything in the entire folder
    Read-Only: Anyone with that role can see and download what is in the folder
    Write: Anyone with that role can add/edit/delete files within that folder
  4. Click submit when done
  5. If there are sub-folders, you will see this message: Do you want to add the permissions recursively?
    This allows you to also change all sub-folders at the same time by clicking the tickbox and then confirm. If you do not want to change the sub-folders, do not check the tickbox


To set a file:

  1. Right click on the file
  2. Select Manage File Permissions
  3. For each role, select the permission.
    Hidden: No one with that role can see anything in the entire folder
    Read-Only: Anyone with that role can see and download what is in the folder
    Write: Anyone with that role can add/edit/delete files within that folder
  4. Click submit when done