Congratulations on starting with your company! If you have been assigned an onboarding program, the below tutorial will walk you through what to expect.

When you log-in to Op Central for the first time, the onboarding program you have been assigned will appear. You will not have access to the full platform until you have complete all parts of the onboarding program.

  1. The red exclamation marks/pylons indicate that you have yet to complete these activities. The "Next" button on the bottom right of each activity will take you to the next activity in the list. 

  2. Your onboarding program may require you to fill out forms. If you see a "User" icon next to a form field, that means it will send that piece of information to your user profile directly, and store it there.
    After onboarding, you can change any of those fields by going to your user profile, or by filling out the Form again via the Forms module

  3. Important: Remember to click Save or Next before you move away from the page. It will not automatically save your information, you need to click either of those buttons.

  4. Your onboarding program may required you to upload documents. This works the same as filling out a form; important to click Save or Next when you are done uploading your files.

  5. Your onboarding program may require you to complete sign-offs on company policies or procedures, training programs, watch videos, fill out surveys, or give feedback. 

  6. Once you have completed all activities in the Onboarding program, you will see a Finish button at the bottom. Click that, and you will then be directed to the Dashboard and have access to the rest of the platform.


Tip: A user can only complete one onboarding program. You cannot be assigned multiple onboarding programs to one user account, even if your role is changed.